Training Locations

Momentum Northwest athletes hail from all over the Seattle and Eastside area, and as such our training venues are equally diverse in an attempt to accommodate all comers. Below are maps and descriptions of what venues we use for our workouts; they correspond to the locations listed on our Calendar for each training session. 

For all venues, take care to protect your valuables by locking your cars and keeping all bags and other tempting-looking items hidden under seats. Or better yet, leave them at home!


Montlake Community Center

We meet in the parking lot at Montlake Community Center. From here we venture out into the city, running for the Arboretum, the UW Campus, Freemont, and elsewhere.


Greenlake/ Woodland Park

Meet at the long parking strip adjacent to Greenlake Way at the south end of the playing fields, near the junction of 50th Ave and Stone Way (see dropped pin on map below) This is usually for drop-off when the van is heading to the mountains or another spot in Seattle for training.

When training at Woodland we meet in the upper woodland parking area off of 50th closer to Aurora Ave. North - across from Whitman Ave. N


Seward Park

Meet at the parking area between the playground and waterfront. Here, we typically use the paved loops for roller skiing


Interlaken park

Meet at the sharp bend of East Interlaken Boulevard where it intersects with 21st Ave


Preston/ Snoqualmie trail

Meet in Preston off I-90 at exit 22. There is a small parking area at the junction of SE High Point Way and SE 87th Place, where the trail winds through

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Fall City/ Alderra Baseball Field

Meet at the small parking area at the junction of the Redmond-Fall City Road SE and 308th Ave SE. Limited Parking.

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tiger mountain/ highpoint way trailhead

Take exit 20 off I-90 eastbound, turn right at the base of the exit ramp then right again; drive all the way up the dirt road into the parking area. *A Discover Pass is required to park at the trailhead.

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Sammamish, Brakett's landing park

For our rollerski workouts on the Sammamish River Trail, meet at Brackett's Landing Park, on Woodinville Drive just off rt 522. Parking is available on the side of the drive, just next to the trail.

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Cougar mountain, Red town Trail head 

Take exit 13 off I-90 eastbound, then turn right at the base of the exit ramp to merge onto Lakemont Boulevard SE. Stay on this road for several miles through the suburban wonderlands until you enter a wooded portion and start going downhill. Near the base of the hill the Cougar Mountain - Red Town trailhead will be on your left.

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denny creek

Use exit 47 off I-90 east-bound; turn left and cross overpass then turn right, go under the west bound interstate lane and meet at the junction of FS roads 5800 and 9034

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Green river trail, three friend's fishing hole

Take exit 152 off I-5 South, then cross over the interstate on S 188th St to intersect with Orilla Rd. South. Take a right on Orilla and go along until it intersects with S 200th St. Turn left on S 200th and travel until it crosses the Green River; immediately after crossing the river there will be a parking area on the right where we'll meet.